Victims of Crime Compensation & Lawyer

If you are the victim of a crime, you need an understanding legal team to assist you through the process of accessing support and compensation. RV Legal offer crime victims compensation services for people affected by a range of crimes.

We are passionate about helping people affected by crime to receive kind, compassionate and professional legal support. Many people who are the victim of a crime do not realise that they may be eligible for compensation, or do not know how to access this financial assistance.

We make the process straightforward, clearly explaining your options and helping you through multiple legal channels to make a claim for compensation.

holding hands

How We Can Help Victims of Crime

We assist victims of crime through each step of the journey.
Victims of crime do not only have to be affected directly by a crime. Victims can include:

  • Primary victims. These people are directly affected by crimes, including being killed or injured.
  • Secondary victims. These are people who witness or come to assist during a crime and are injured (physically or psychologically) as a result.
  • Related victims. These are people related to the primary victims of crime, such as close family and dependents or children.

The perpetrator of the crime does not need to have been arrested or found guilty in a court of law for the victim to be eligible for compensation. In some instances, we can still assist you to make a claim.

There are several types of compensation that victims of crime may be eligible for. We work with clients to decide which types of compensation they would like to apply for and which they are eligible to receive.
Some common compensations include:

  • financial compensation
  • psychological services
  • compensation for loss of wages
  • compensation for medical expenses
  • expenses required to assist in recovery.

Visit the Victims of Crime Website for more information

Why Choose RV Legal?

At RV Legal, we are the experts in providing legal advice and services to people from all walks of life, with no judgement. We understand that dealing with the legal system can be extremely daunting for many people, and that some victims of crime have negative experiences with police or law enforcement. We provide a caring and compassionate environment, encouraging victims to share their experiences in a way they feel comfortable with.

Victims of crime are often dealing with trauma related to their experience. We are here to help you in every aspect of your recovery, and we understand that you may not be able to complete the steps of compensation right away.

We provide a supportive presence and easy communication, so that you can be confident that we are there for you when you need us.


RV Legal’s services are priced according the the list below. Should you require further information, feel free to contact us.

  • Free of charge


For a confidential discussion, contact us today:

Visit our Victims of Crime Compensation website for more information.