Author: RV Legal

older couple looking at a laptop

Estate Planning: Key Factors to Keep in Mind

Estate planning is an important part of defining and protecting your interests. Wills and estate planning can be a daunting process. However, an estate administration lawyer will help you create, implement and modify the right plan for you. The process is fluid and should be reflective of your family’s structure, living circumstances, and financial position.

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person with walking stick

Why You Need a Power of Attorney

Do you have a Power of Attorney? Many Australians may not realise the risks involved with not nominating a person to act in your best interests in case you are unable to do so. Recent journalist investigations have revealed the neglect of people placed in the care of the state when they become incapacitated. To

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What is a Power of Attorney?

Do you need a power of attorney in Victoria? A power of attorney (POA) allows you to nominate someone to act in your interests if you are not able to do so. Appointing someone as your power of attorney can protect you if something happens and you need someone to manage your financial or personal

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What is Probate of a Will

Probate of a will is the certification of a will’s legality and validity. Without a probate, the executor of the will cannot administer the estate. It helps to avoid delay and the risk of the will being contested, which can prevent genuine beneficiaries from receiving the assets willed to them by the deceased person. Anyone

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couple with lawyer

How to Contest A Will

Wondering if you have grounds to contest a Will? Disputes regarding Wills and estates are difficult and it can be a challenge to mount a successful challenge to a Will, however it is possible. There are a range of situations where the validity of a Will can be challenged or the wishes expressed in the

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Making Changes to your Will Through a Codicil

If you want to make changes to your Will, you may consider using a Codicil. A Codicil is a method for making changes to an existing Will so that you can add beneficiaries, change the distribution of assets and update clauses. Although this is a fast and efficient way of changing your Will, it is

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lawyer and attorney having a meeting

Benefits of Testamentary Trusts

Testamentary trusts offer many advantages for people putting together a Will who hope to have greater control over the distribution of their assets following their death. A testamentary trust allows for tax benefits, as well as protection of assets from creditors or family disputes. What is a Testamentary Trust? Testamentary trusts are trusts built into

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man stressed

Workers Compensation for Stress – What you need to know

Have you experienced extreme stress in the workplace? Have you suffered a psychological injury through your work? If you need to take stress leave from your job, workers compensation is available to help you cover the costs and recoup any lost income. However, there are steps you need to go through to claim workers compensation

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How to Apply for Divorce in Victoria

Wondering how to apply for a divorce in Victoria? It’s an unfortunate fact that marriages sometimes break down and people need to be able to separate from their spouses in a legal sense as well as an emotional one. The process of getting a divorce is simple and in most cases won’t require any lengthy

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